Mystic Nomads ...Transforming Experiences of Travel and Culture Into Wearable Treasures..


Our love of Nomad-Style travel goes hand in hand with collecting special materials and objects which then later inspire the creation of a piece of jewelry that tells a special story.

  We have roamed all over Europe getting inspired by the art and crafts in many museums.


We traveled with the Tuareg Nomads into the Sahara Desert and shared mint tea and songs with them under the stars.

We shopped for beads and jewels at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and watched the Sufis dance at their traditional ritual


We have made a connection with the Hill Tribes of Thailand and support them in their traditional silver-work.


We love climbing mountains here at our home in the Pacific North-West as well as in the Himalayas where we have made many friends among Nepali as well as the Sherpa people.

These adventures and friendships spanning across the globe have filled our lives with rich experiences as well as taught us that people, in spite of their cultural differences, are at heart very much alike; longing for love and beauty. With our work we like to support these fellow artists as well as create pieces that evoke a somewhat mystical connection with something magical within.
